I have a demo in Python Tkinter (TCL/Tk Widgets).
I have another demo in Python with SDL to use as a model for an eventual version in Joy. But I wrote it so long ago that it's almost like reading someone else's code.
Now with this Nim interpreter and SDL2 I have a good path to make a new demo UI. The ultimate goal is to have a complete system in the Oberon RISC asm and Joy.
→ https://pythonoberon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/If you really want to teach/learn computers, I think you really have to sort of build one from the ground up.
Then you gotta do enough asm to do Forth, and enought Forth to grok C and Joy, and enough of those to grok Prolog, then that closes the loop. Higher-level software (like compilers) will have been written in Prolog from the get-go.